Monday, December 6, 2010

Peeta Mellark

Peeta Mellark, oh dear sweet sweet boy. Easily one of my favorite characters in The Hunger Games and although Katniss goes through some tough stuff, with a guy like Peeta willing to DIE for her, I completely envy her.
Now for some completely stupid reason, stupid people in Hollywood have decided to turn this too good for words book in a movie. It wouldn't be bad, as long as people were casted right, (I'm pushing it right?) and the movie followed THE EXACT BOOK. But of course that's not possible, we haven't mastered the technology for the book characters' sweet skills.
I'm only really worried about who they're going to cast for Peeta and Katniss. They're obviously two of the most important characters in the book and if they get casted wrong then its not even worth spending the money on, which we all know I'll do anyways.
I have three choices for Peeta that I wouldn't mind seeing although I'd much prefer them to take their time and find the perfect Peeta.

First is the all too famous, gorgeous British actor, Alex Pettyfer.
Less Recent?

Defiantly more recent.

He is built like I pictured Peeta. Blonde hair, you get the point. He does look much older than I ever pictured Peeta. He's actually only twenty and the youngest out of my three choices. If he still looked like this:

I wouldn't even question it. This would defiantly be Peeta, but unfortunately he grew up before they decided to turn The Hunger Games into a movie. I'm sure he could still pull it off, but I'd like to see someone younger. Or at least younger looking. Alex will forever be my Peeta, he's also my Jace but that's a whole other series! I have to take a moment and thank my 7th grade teacher Ms. Beach though. If she would have never introduced me to Strombreaker my mom wouldn't have went out and got the movie for me for Christmas, and I wouldn't be able to watch it over and over again just to see Alex's gorgeous face and extremely sexy British accent. JUST SAYING! Oh and while I'm thanking teachers I want to thank Ms. Feliks for telling me about The Hunger Games. I remember thinking the book was crazy! And it is, CRAZY GOOD!

My second choice has to be a guy I've never really heard of. Internet research does wonders. Mr. Ed (Edward) Speleers.
Not so recent?


Alright, so in the first picture I could totally see Peeta too. But unfortunately he grew up too! He's actually twenty-two but if you ask me, he looks much younger than Alex who is actually two years younger. Ed now has dark hair but there is plenty of hair dye to go around! I'm not sure if it would be the same knowing he dyed his hair blonde, although I'm sure many many actors do so. I don't have much to say about him because to be honest, I didn't even know his name before yesterday. I do think he would be a pretty good choice though.

Last but not least we have Lachlan Buchanan.
Doesn't he look SUPER FAMILIAR?


So, basically he's British, and I just realized they all are. So obviously I have a thing for Brits but that's besides the point. Its cool that I call them Brits right? ANYWAYS! He's twenty-three, making him the oldest. Haha, youngest to oldest. Sorry, I'm getting so off track. He's got dark hair now like Ed, but just like Ed, that can be dyed. He's got those beautiful blue eyes. They're quite dreamy. I don't really know much about him either but I feel like he's a good contender for Peeta as well.

Those are my three top actors for Peeta. I'd love to see Alex as Peeta, I put them in order of best to worse although I feel like they'd all do a good job. But as I said before, they really need to take their time finding Peeta. He's got to be perfect, as does Katniss. They need to bring in unknown actors but ones that still have skill so its not completely terrible.
Tumblr's down so I decided to make this and share this little rant on here, I had to get it out. These are my honest opinions and you have every right to disagree. Just don't be mean about it. Thanks much for reading. Have a good day :)

Team Peeta for life<3

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